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Africanized Bees: What Everyone In Parrish Should Know About The "Killer" Bee | Westfall's Lawn Care and Pest Control


If there’s one thing that can take your enjoyment of being outdoors, it’s stinging insects. Sure, bees and wasps will send you running for cover at the slightest sound of a buzz. However, one of the worst stinging insects in Parrish is the Africanized honey bee.

Africanized honey bees are known to chase people for more than a quarter of a mile when they get stimulated or agitated, causing them to become aggressive, and this is why they're known as "killer bees."

If you notice these aggressive insects around your Parrish home, don’t delay to call the best pest control in Parrish, Westfall’s Lawn and Pest.

What Are Africanized Honey Bees?

The Africanized bee in Parrish is a cross between the western honey bee and the Africanized bee. Africanized bees are slightly smaller than honey bees. They are golden yellow with brown streaks of varying darkness. They are very aggressive and will chase you in swarms (unlike other bees that chase singly) if they feel threatened or agitated.

Researchers initially brought African bees into South America to increase the production of European honey bees. Their experiment failed when the African bees broke free from the Brazilian research center, multiplied, and replaced the more peaceful European bees throughout South America, including now in Parrish, Florida.

If you have a bee problem or want to know how to control Africanized honey bees, contact Westfall’s Lawn and Pest.

Africanized Honey Bees Are A Bigger Problem Than Other Bees

Africanized honey bees differ from European honey bees in these ways: 

  • They are more likely to swarm
  • Migrate when food supplies are scarce
  • Relocate their colonies when stressed
  • Display defensiveness when swarming
  • Guard hives aggressively
  • Reside in underground cavities
  • Dispatch more bees to pursue threats far from the hive

Africanized bees swarm more than ten times annually, resulting in higher reproductive rates. Their offspring develop and mature more rapidly, posing a higher stinging threat to people.

If you notice swarms around your Parrish home, contact our pest professionals immediately at Westfall's Lawn and Pest for home pest control near you.

Five Tips To Prevent Africanized Bees Around Your Home

To prevent Africanized bees around your Parrish home, follow these five tips:

  1. Cover holes bigger than 1/8 inch around chimneys and walls.
  2. Examine the plumbing and exterior walls and eaves of the house.
  3. From spring until fall, look for bees arriving or leaving the same location of your house or yard once or twice a week.
  4. Put in thin screens (1/8 inch) over rain spout tops, vents, and openings around water, meter, or utility boxes.
  5. Eliminate potential nesting locations around the house, yard, and outbuildings.

These bees pose serious health threats to you and anyone in or around your home once they’ve established a nest. Removing them from your home should be your top priority. Call Westfall's Lawn and Pest to remove them from your home safely.

Call The Pros About A Africanized Bee Problem Around Your Home

As fears about Africanized bees have grown, more people are now trying to manage their bee problems rather than avoiding them. We solve your bee problem with a thorough home pest inspection by locating the hive, removing the bees, removing the hive, and preventing further infestations of the region. Our bee control experts have extensive training and expertise; avoid removing bees or bee hives if you have the necessary tools and training.

Give Westfall's Lawn and Pest a call for your estimate at no cost. We know how to control killer bees in Parrish.

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